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NOD32 updates

Installation and update settings for NOD32 v3.0

(taken from university wiki - available from university network only)


Registration of the installation + download after filling out of the registration form. 32-bit and 64-bit versions are available.


Launch the installation program from local drive. Edit update settings in installation wizard, set Choose update settings later.

Update settings

Launch ESET NOD32 Antivirus, press F5 to open the settings. Choose Update from left menu.

Update server needs to be set, so that updates are performed from the replication server of ŽU. Click Edit to show a window to add update address: http://nod.uniza.sk/eset_upd/.

Choose the newly added address from the listbox and click OK to comfirm settings.

Choose Update - Update virus database to verify that your settings are correct.


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