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Your opinion on opening dormitory block door using chip card?
Dorm students should have access to every block everytime [138]
Current situation is suitable [45]
It should be removed [7]
I am not a dorm student [0]
I don't care [7]
197 votes


What do you think about the obligation having ISIC card for all students of University of Zilina?
I agree [162]
I disagree [15]
Never mind [15]
192 votes


Do you plan buying a new fridge by using mass purchase?
Yes [2]
If the price was better... [23]
No, I have one [39]
No, we will not have a fridge [52]
116 votes


Have you seen any issue of ŽUŽO magazine in actual school year?
Yes [23]
No [84]
107 votes


Would you be interested in screening of movies with religional theme in cinema hall G-H?
Yes [32]
No [71]
I don't care [25]
128 votes


Do you wish to have an email account like "something"@student.un iza.sk?
Yes [55]
No [36]
I don't care [14]
105 votes


Where did you spend these holidays?
In Slovakia [47]
Abroad by the sea [22]
Abroad, but not by the sea [11]
80 votes


How do you sleep in the new beds?
Like in cotton [33]
Like on a rock [26]
Like on a balcony [19]
78 votes


Your IP address is This is your first visit to the dormitory website. The last registered user is Livius. Current temperature on Veľký Diel is 13.38 °C
humidity is 93.50 %
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Which times do you prefer to have IK network admins in ŠIC on VD G-H?
17:00 - 19:00 [34]
18:00 - 20:00 [26]
19:00 - 21:00 [131]
191 votes

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UZ Veľký Diel: OZNAM o zverejnení poradovníka
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