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How to connect to the Internet

Connecting to network
Connecting as an already registered user
Registering for network access

Connecting to network
  • Before you begin, please make sure you have enabled automatic IP configuration using DHCP (according to this guide).
  • Only register from your dormitory room (network socket) you will be using to connect everytime.  Network connection is bound to network socket you use when registering; it will not work from another place (room).
  • After connecting the UTP cable to the socket (or switch) and to the PC, wait approx. 30 seconds.
  • Load the website: https://nms.iklub.sk/ where you accept the security certificate.
  • or:



Connecting as an already registered user

  • Click on "Devices" and then "Add a new device".

  • Choose the number of semesters you intend to be connected to the network of Internet Klub.
  • If your device appears after a while, your connection should be working after no more than five minutes.
  • For your device to stay connected, you, as a foreign student, need to visit the main network administrator.


Registering for network access



Your IP address is This is your first visit to the dormitory website. The last registered user is wiedermann. Current temperature on Veľký Diel is 777.00 °C
humidity is 777.00 %
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Which times do you prefer to have IK network admins in ŠIC on VD G-H?
17:00 - 19:00 [35]
18:00 - 20:00 [28]
19:00 - 21:00 [146]
209 votes

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