How to set up the network on the PC using DHCP Windows 7, Vista
How to set up the network on the PC using DHCP Windows 8.1
On the desktop right down is network icon, click on it with right button and open network and sharing center
2. On the right side click on the option Change adapter settings
3.Click with right button on the icon ethernet and choose option Properties
4. In displayed menu find option Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and double-click on this option open new window (or mark option Internet Protocol Version 4 and click on the button Properties )
5. In displayed window click on the option Obtain a IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically . Then click on OK button to confirm changes.
6. Confirm changes in opened window - click on OK button
Congratulations, you have successsfully made it ;)
How to set up the network on the PC using DHCP Windows 7, Vista
1. In the riaght corner find icon Internet access , and click on it with right button and choose option Open network center
2.Click on left of window on the option Change adapter settings
3. Choose option Local connection, click on it with rihgt button and choose option Properties
4. At menu Local connection - properties find option Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and double-click on it open next window (or mark option Internet Protocol Version 4 and click on the button Properties )
5. In displayed window click on the option Obtain a IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically . Then click on OK button to confirm changes.
6. Confirm changes in opened window - click on OK button
Congratulations, you have successsfully made it ;)
How to set up the network on the PC using DHCP Windows XP