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Digital signature of gift contract

To signing it is important to have card reader with the card plugged in and card handlers from http://karty.uniza.sk/Instalacia-zakladneho-softveru/ and certificate with PIN code on ISIC card provided by university on department Hospodarsky Blok (above nova menza restaurant), Po-Pi: 08.00 - 15.00 hod. GPS

First we need to download PDF file from NMS by clicking on printer icon.

Then we open PDF Signer.

Move the downloaded pdf file on the gray layout and click on the sign button.

Signed PDF file we upload to NMS when we click on printer icon again and after that window will emerge
click on  "Nahrať podpísanú zmluvu" choose the signed pdf file and apply.


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Which times do you prefer to have IK network admins in ŠIC on VD G-H?
17:00 - 19:00 [35]
18:00 - 20:00 [28]
19:00 - 21:00 [146]
209 votes

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