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Connecting to Wi-Fi network




New way of connecting to dormitory network via Wi-Fi

There is an option to connect to the dormitory network via Wi-Fi on some of the dormitory blocks.


For Hliny dormitories the blocks are:

  • Block 1
  • Block 2
  • Block 3
  • Block 4
  • Block 5
  • Block 6

For Velky Diel dormitories the blocks are:

  • Block E
  • Block F
  • Block G

In the future, this option will be added for more blocks at Hliny and also for Veľký Diel dormitories. 


The Wi-Fi network runs in test mode for now - if you experience any problems, please feel free to contact us at podpora@iklub.sk .

For any information about planned shutdowns of dormitory network, please follow us on our Facebook page.

How to connect to Wi-Fi


First of all, you need to have an account in our NMS system (nms.iklub.sk). You will also need to activate your device in this system. You can see how to do so here.

After you complete these steps, you can connect to the Wi-Fi with any device you want.

To connect, use your login credentials from NMS system as shown below.

There is maximum of 4 devices allowed to be connected at the same time per user.


Some devices may require you to specify verification protocols in order to connect to Wi-Fi:

1. EAP method - choose TTLS or PEAP

2. Phase 2 verification - choose GTC or PAP

3. Choose an option do not verify certificate

Example for Android devices:

Wifi Android



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18:00 - 20:00 [26]
19:00 - 21:00 [131]
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