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Statute of Internet Klub

  1. Basic appointments

    1. Internet Klub (further just IK), ul. Vysokoškolákov 20, blok E-115, 010 30 Žilina, is a non-profit organization, purpose of which is:
      • administration of server iklub.sk (dorm.uniza.sk)
      • administration of the dormitory network
      • administration of students' e-mail boxes
      • LAN network installation under the surveillance of Institute of Computer Technics
      • creation and updating of the WWW pages of USZ and students on the local server
      • realisation of projects and training courses
      • technical advisory via e-mail
      • improvement of network services
    2. Internet Klub is operating with the collaboration of pro-rector of education (methodically), the director of ÚVT (UTC-net operator) and the director of Dormitory and catering establishment (organizationally)
  2. Organizational structure:

    1. IK leader:
      • accounts for the operations of IK to the pro-rector of education, the director of USZ and the director of ÚVT.
      • coordinates the operation of particular sections
      • represents IK in external relationships and in the contact with ŽU
      • nominates and revokes section leaders after consulting it with the council
    2. Council:
      • consists of IK leader, section leaders and their deputies, while IK leader is its chairman
      • the council suggests the pro-rector for education revoke or nomination of the IK leader, after consulting it with director of USZ / director of ÚVT
      • approves the suggestion to revoke or nominate a section leader
      • decides in the questions of conceptual changes of the work of IK
      • to accept the act more than a half of votes is needed
      • invokes regular meetings of IK members
    3. Section leaders:
      • Only a member of IK can be a section leader
      • coordinate the operation of particular sections
      • account for the operation to the IK leader
        1. Leader of the technical section
          • realisation of projects
          • administration of e-mail boxes
          • software creation
          • server administration
          • installation and maintenance of LAN networks
          • installation and maintenance of hardware
        2. Leader of the information section
          • realisation of projects
          • creation and updating the WWW pages
          • providing the information about current facts of ŽU for students
    4. Deputies of section leaders
      • deputy of the leader of the technical section
      • deputy of the leader of the information section
    5. IK member
      • rights: using the technical resources of Internet Klub
      • duties: active work in Internet Klub
  3. Membership:

    Any student actively working in IK can become a member.
    The membership is approved by the council based on the suggestion of IK member to the council chairman.
    The reasons for cancelling the membership may be any of thw following: passivity in IK, intended damage of IK inventory, misuse of the name of IK, repeated trespassions.

  4. Economy

    1. IK is obeying the internal rules of ŽU
    2. IK is financed mostly by ŽU
    3. An additional resource of finances are donations from natural persons or artifical persons.
    4. IK is using a separate account of ŽU
    5. The leader of IK is responsible for the economy of IK
    6. Economy report is approved by the council on 30th June and on 31th December it gives it out to the pro-rector of education and to the director of USZ.
  5. Conclusive appointments

    All IK members are obliged to act according to these rules
    1. There can be more documents as the enclosures, which are essential for the work and economy of IK
    2. Improvements of the statute are approved by the council after receiving suggestions from the IK members
    3. The statute becomes effective after all concerned sign it
    4. This statute becomes effective 1998-11-25


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18:00 - 20:00 [28]
19:00 - 21:00 [146]
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