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Important links

Gallery of Internet Klub, for others to see, what and who is behind this all...
Timetables of students, teachers and rooms
Ponúka jazykové kurzy s výhodnými zľavami pre študentov ŽU.
Gallery of Internet Klub, for others to see, what and who is behind this all...

Network Management System for IK network - registrations, MAC change, data limits...
E-learning portal for all university students
Timetables of students, teachers and rooms
Online meal booking
Virtual library, booking of literature, information


Your IP address is This is your first visit to the dormitory website. The last registered user is rosinsky1. Current temperature on Veľký Diel is 7.25 °C
humidity is 70.35 %
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Which times do you prefer to have IK network admins in ŠIC on VD G-H?
17:00 - 19:00 [34]
18:00 - 20:00 [26]
19:00 - 21:00 [129]
189 votes

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Newest notices

UZ Hliny V: Pridelené a nepridelené ubytovanie
PRIDELENÉ a NEPRIDELENÉ ubytovanie si nájdete podľa svojho osobného čísla. Začiatočné písmená v žltom...
UZ Veľký Diel: Podávanie žiadostí o ubytovanie
 Podávanie žiadostí o ubytovanie a 2024-2025.pdf (100.32 KB)...
UZ Veľký Diel: Platba za ubytovanie
 Informácie k platbe za ubytovanie LS 2024.pdf (89.11 KB)...

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