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Dormitory Veľký Diel

Dormitory Hliny


Basic information

Dormitory establishment Hliny is a part of University of Žilina. It offers accomodation in 9 blocks for daily and external students, students of life-long education, international students, players of Slávia ŽU.
The employees of ŽU are house   in block 10 where every faculty has cca 5 flats.
There is also a building called Stará menza, where in the premises of the buffet, meals are provided for students and employees of ŽU. The other premises serve for sport and social purposes.
In UZ Hliny, the following is at the disposal: TV rooms, study rooms, conference rooms, kitchens, FIT centrum, bodybuilding room, mountain-climbing wall, two rings for thai box, aerobic area, squash, sauna,  COPY centrum.
In Stará menza, sports can be played, such as basketball, florbal, futsal, volleybal, table tennis - 6 tables, tennis - 2 courts, badminton. Outside, soccer, volleyball and tennis can be played. There is a haircutter for men and women, dentist,  work aagency for students, to disposal. The parking is free.
Meals in Stará menza are given out starting at 10:00  lunch (3 meals to choose from), dinner to 18:00. It is possible to buy a baguette or pizza all the day.
The prizes for accomodation: according to the current pricelist.


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humidity is 777.00 %
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Which times do you prefer to have IK network admins in ŠIC on VD G-H?
17:00 - 19:00 [34]
18:00 - 20:00 [26]
19:00 - 21:00 [131]
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Newest notices

UZ Hliny V: Oznam pre vyššie ročníky UZH
OZNAM pre študentov vyššiích ročníkov UZ HlinyV.
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UZ Veľký DIEL: Informácie k ubytovaniu DOKTORANDI
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