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Dormitory Veľký Diel

Dormitory Hliny


Claim for meals


They can get two hot meals a day (according to number of days in a month) in combinations:
  • two lunch meals
  • two dinner meals
  • one lunch meal + baguette
  • one dinner meal + baguette
  • one lunch meal + one dinner meal
In one day they can get up to 10 supported-price meals before exhausting monthly limit, that is, the number of days in a month times two meals.
In advance, they can order more meals for full price (max. 99). In July and August they are not entitled to get supported-price meals.

Students upperclassmen

They can get two hot meals a day (according to number of days in a month) in combinations:
  • two lunch meals
  • two dinner meals
  • one lunch meal + baguette
  • one dinner meal + baguette
  • one lunch meal + one dinner meal
In one day they can get up to 10 supported-price meals before exhausting monthly limit, that is, the number of days in a month times two meals.
In advance, they can order more meals for full price (max. 99).


Your IP address is This is your first visit to the dormitory website. The last registered user is Tropek. Current temperature on Veľký Diel is 777.00 °C
humidity is 777.00 %
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Which times do you prefer to have IK network admins in ŠIC on VD G-H?
17:00 - 19:00 [35]
18:00 - 20:00 [28]
19:00 - 21:00 [143]
206 votes

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