The Summer Univeristy organized by The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications (SUT) in cooperation with International Association for eScience invites your students for summer programs from July 6th through 19th 2014.
7 teaching days: 4 teaching hours in the morning
1 day for organizational issues
1 day for examinations
1 day final event
European Credit Points (3 ECTS)
Every participant receives a certificate from the Summer University St.Petersburg, a certificate from State University for Telecommunication St.Petersburg and a certificate from IAFES (International Association for eScience). You will get 3 ECTS points.
Conditions :
Location: Campus of “State University St.Petersburg”
Accommodation: Student Hostel of “State University St.Petersburg”
Fee: € 600 includes accommodation, meals (breakfast and lunch) , events and school
Application Period: till May 10th 2014 (first come - first served)
More information at:
Students of University of Žilina are always welcome!
Prof. Dr. Johann GÜNTHER
+43 (664) 1008102
Š I C - V D
(Študentské informačné centrum - Veľký Diel)